Puerto Viejo
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C.i. Meeds Girlie, you not the boss of me. You can not insult me and claim it is protected speech because you have posted those insults under the self created committee of security.
C.i. Meeds If the committee on SEcurity sends me a message that I think is a personal attack and gives information about the real goals of this committee which is to keep tourists coming…, I will share it.
C.i. Meeds no. CMs has one view. It is pro increaed tourism. I can not get heard there. I attended five meetings. I picked up garbage. I wtote up meeting notes. My wishes are seen as hostile threats to this group.
Joel An Verbal diarrhea
A serious disease which, once it has control of a person, causes them to spew forth incoherent babble from the bowels of the voicebox. Often extremely frustrating for the victim and extremely hilarious for the observer. -
C.i. Meeds ok. Look at it this way,. How many people in CMS. How many in the open forum. If you had a political view that was different than the current administration, how would you make that clear? If you just argued against the people in power on their forum, you would hardly get any other peole interested in a different position. My position is PRESERVATIONIST. I want to preserve the old ways…the environment and the culture.
Jan Hein Kettmann look at it any way you want. it is still a private, closed, secret group that does not want you to repost their stuff anywhere else.
Jan Hein Kettmann and if none of the other 640 members of cms agree with you, maybe you really should think about starting your own group.
Saskia Wolff you know Phillippe why the community does not work ? Because it’s TWO communities… the Vangoidsenhoven-Meeds-city and the rest-country…
C.i. Meeds We are the preservationists. We want to preserve what is here; both the culture and the environment. We do not want uncontrolled development. We live here and love what is here. We love the birds and monkeys and Iguanas. We recognise that we must live in balance with this precious environment. We say “NO!” to uncontrolled development and ever increasing numbers of visitors. We say no to the secrecy, the corrupt, the bribes,
C.i. Meeds how funny… in your world, you think that we are in the minority…https://www.facebook.com/groups/Greencaribe/
Jan Hein Kettmann enjoy it, and while you still have access to cms; don’t repost anything you find there anywhere else.
Saskia Wolff I was thinking this a LONG time… both of you are SO into things, but unfortunately in an extreme way. Both of you are driving vehicles… where do you think does the fuel come from ? If we start blaming one or the other of doing something what we don’t like… we should check our own WHOLE life if we are seriously without any guilt.
Philippe Vangoidsenhoven Saskia, you forgot something. Carol, Philippe and others AND the LAW of Costa Rca.
Eric Haller this forum really shouldn’t be used for arguing of this type, or overly chatty discussions period. this has been a repeated request from many members, and it should be respected.
Philippe Vangoidsenhoven Sometimes people are really closed in their mind and are not happy if someone has a different point of view or they just want to be the leaders and nobody can argue over nothing!
C.i. Meeds no problem. I will just say that I sent a message to the Committe of Security e and they told me I was not wanted because I did not think the same way they did…It kind of loses credibility if I can not cut and past the offending letter…
Philippe Vangoidsenhoven Chao, I go to my lovely house where I DON’T here any noise produced by humans, PARADISE!
Eric Haller this forum has always been quite “open” in the sense of permitting all sorts of different opinions about security in the area. but when conversations start devolving into stuff that is, as Philippepointed out, going nowhere, it’s just not helpful to anyone concerned. that’s my opinion.
Tracy Lund Permitting differing opinions is one thing. Allowing people to repost on an open forum from a private forum is another. it is unacceptable, period.
Frederick Green Carol i think this group need your opinion. My dad use to call me dummy, and my reply to him was “You can learn alot from a dummy.” They just have to find a place for you. I know you feel like Obama in a room with alots of Republican. Be strong and voice your opinion. BE HEARD.
Jon Joseph Stierwalt If the gorgeous Beaches, Nature and the beautiful Culture and Heritage and History of this area (Bri Bri and Caribbean) that proceeded us is what makes us all want to live here…then one has to realize that we can’t be the only ones who feel this way.…See More
Jon Joseph Stierwalt Stopping those travelers who desire what we desire is a ridiculous thought. Progress can’t be stopped, but LEGACY can continue to live on…with some help.
C.i. Meeds Eric Haller Jan Hein Kettmann said: “…share it in cms then. and Eric Haller said: “… this forum really shouldn’t be used for arguing of this type, or overly chatty discussions period”. SO Look for further discussions about security on the open forums
Bocas Open Forum
So today 4 Israelis (ofcourse) stole 2 bed sheets from mondo when they checked out today.. I got back my bed sheets from them after chasing them to Hotel Las Brisas ( where they are currently.. ) the girl told me cold faced that they have no sheets.. ofcourse i stand up straight and demand my bed sheets…so I will paste their information for you guys to pay attention on these THIEVES!!!
Rowan Snashall M8732060
Liron Seliktar M183386…See More
- LETS CHECK THEM OUT BEFORE THEY CHECK IN!.. This group is for all Hostel and Hotel members in Panama.. lets post any weird situation with our guests so we are all aware of evrey situation that may p…
48 members
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Gary Yopack Sorry El CR, I don’t know what she meant and neither do you as you did not make the original statement.
Shannon Thomas the racism on the page sometimes is disturbing. sorry you had bed-sheet-thieves to deal with, while their actions were rude and uncalled for – I’m not sure the racism is necessary… just saying, and not only in reference to this post or this particular nationality. in a place where everyone still likes to appear to live off of this “one love” mantra it sure seems it is only love for people most like themselves. i’m glad you got the sheets back, but I would like to invite everyone to consider separating bad actions or bad people from their race, class, nation or religion.
Joan Bergmans What ROXY means has nothing to do with Racism but with respect….As a business owner myself (and many others) i have an endless list of being treated without respect and even being threatened by people from Israel. I did read a lot about their culture to try and understand their way of talking and negotiating but it’s hard not to judge when they keep on acting disrespectfully towards me, my friends and family.
El Joules same here… it’s just ridiculous how rude they can be. There’s no comparison with any other nationality. They are by far the clients who make the most havoc, steal, insult, destroy property, etc.
If they’re traveling in a group, many times we prefer to say we’re booked instead of taking the risk of being fucked…
I’m not saying every single one, but LOTS of them are assholes… how can one distinguish a nice person from a bad one? It’s difficult, isn’t it?
Why is it like this? I really don’t know… but there is obviously something very wrong with how many Israelis are brought up…
I’m sure many people who work tourism here can come up with a very long list of things they’ve personally witnessed that are simply outrageous… -
Shannon Thomas Alright, I was certainly not trying to start a war over any particular nationality or point fingers at any one person (sorry to have chosen your particular post Roxy, was just making a point) but I still stand my ground that it is pointless and useless to focus on any person’s particular background unless you plan on just barring them from your business- which may not be so helpful after all. I also work in tourism in Bocas and did so for many years in Costa Rica – and while I have not particularly had any recurrent issues with Israelis, I have had many issues with other nationalities or races that I will not mention here – because I don’t see how it is helpful to me or others. What is helpful is stand up to difficult people, as Roxy did, and to know how to demand respect and be respectful in return. You may not agree with me, but I am very tired of all of the different sorts of racism etc that I have witnessed in Bocas thus far (worse than anything I experienced in years living in the southern US, Africa and other countries of Latin America) and so my invitation stands to those who also find it limiting – to try to be move beyond it whenever possible…
Alex Magee Shannon, calling a black man ‘black’ is not racist, its a statement of fact. Stating that a nationality is by and large disrespectful of people who don’t have the same passport is not racist either. It is also a statement of fact. I don’t understand why this means that automatically Israeli people will be banned from businesses? It annoys me how many politically correct watchdogs prowl facebook waiting for the chance to pounce out and cry ‘racism’ or ‘sexism’. Now I am not saying that these are not issues, i am simply saying that we seem to live in an atmosphere where people are unable to talk about such issues for fear of being labeled a racist…..
Fiona Mann how are we supposed to know who they are if their origin isn’t mentioned, the whole point is to alert people in business of trouble makers, be they white, black or pink….if she’d said these English guys stole the sheets would you cry “rascist” then? …See More
Renay Hallman AGAIN, thanks for the entertainment. Way to take something way to far. JEEZ!! My favorite tenants were the Panamanians from PC that tell you they are 4 but are 7 because they don’t consider children and nannies people!! HAHA!
Roxy Demaurex Balemm I think Fiona Mann just answered what I wanted to write or reply to this post!! That’s why I hate sometimes writing on groups !! Everyone is so sensitive and not even that, sensitive is good but, the way of over reacting , dramatizing and twisting words!! It quite impressive !! Anyways !! Thanks Fionna and the rest that understands the context!! Shalom everyone!