A city arose from the cloud forest, the roads transition from mud to being paved with bricks. I parked the car at a coffee spot and we consumed mass quantities of excellent espresso and drove around for a bit. There are a couple of wildlife reserves, but the activity is generally nocturnal and it was drizzling. Back to the coffee cafe. I consumed espresso immoderately.
Pretty dull day, all in all. We took a room at the Hotel Tree House, which was pretty damn cheap considering its location, right in the heart of St Elena. The room was spacious but a bit weird. It had six sliding doors and twelve outlets. All of the outlets were on the same wall so cords were dangling across the room. Dinner was a pretty shitty nacho, half warmed in a microwave and an awesome dish of shrimp and fish then proceeded to buy makings for guacamole. Tomatoes were 500 colones a kilo or $0.45/pound vs far inferior tomatoes for $1.50 a pound in Bocas. All the produce was similarly cheaper and superior.
I found some Central American style coffee makers and posted pictures of them on Facebook for my friends in Bocas. I got so many requests that I bought all the store had. Now to try to get them to Bocas. I also ended up picking up a quart of guanabana juice for a very special lady. Now this has to be carried to La Fortuna, Puerto Viejo, Bocas del Toro, Panama City, Houston and finally San Diego where I can ship it to Maryland for her. If it puts a smile on her face, it is worth it.
Pretty boring post, I know.