
I woke up, to a gentle rocking. Oh yeah,  I slept on Marita last night.  Not enough gas for the skiff to make a round trip.   Plenty of food and water for the dogs at home.

C’mon Chris, you have a charter, let’s clean this dump up.

We moved shit off the back deck, out of the salon, from the cabins, from the pilot house.   Hoses, clamps, pumps, electrical fittings, tools, miscellany.  I emptied a dozen overflowing ash trays.   We took a boatload of shit to the battlestar, a retired naval vessel Chris had acquired for $1.  Another trip, more shit.   I emptied drawer after drawer, folded wrinkled bits of paper, crayons, colored pencils, water colors and stuffed this collection of little Noah’s doodlings into a plastic bag.   Hundreds of keys that would never enter a lock again, candles, ancient medications, drawer after drawer of crap.

The pilot house upper deck as covered in solid black hardened mold.   Some muriatic acid turned it red.   Straight 3.5% bleach and scrubbing got it clean.  Now to get another 30 gallons of bleach.  We took five gallons of diesel off the battlestar.   Then we couldn’t start the generator because the batteries are dead.   I took my charger ashore and intended to bring a cable so I could run two in series and rehabilitate a couple of batteries that I have to run in series for my charger.   Shit, left the cable on Alejandra’s panga.

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