Something Different

It’s been an endless cycle of boating, sailing, snorkeling, swimming and beaches.

Now I have to get my boat in the shop to lose 700 pounds of water laden “closed cell” foam which lies beneath the deck and the aft storage cabinet for another 800 pounds.   This should take a few weeks.

What to do without a boat?  Every time I leave the house I’d have to call a water taxi.

Fortune knocked.

A friend told me that she would like to come back for a visit, starting in 5 days for a month.  Great! My boat is in the shop, let’s go to the mountains while I get my boat rebuilt and then we can come to Bocas.

So I laid out a few things to do. She said it sounded awesome and asked if she could bring a couple of friends.

She is a set designer for movies. She is black, most of her friends are gay black males.   I didn’t ask who is coming.

Ok, to the most remote parts of Panama, where there are nothing but Indians, no electricity, no telephones, no restaurants and no lodging.   I’ll stay with an Indian I met after a seven hour trek over the continental divide.

This should be different.

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