Start me up

I was supposed to take a couple of French girls around the bay on one of my famed introduction to Bocas tours.  They called me the night before.  I had never met them.  I did manage to get the boat started and get into town but wasn’t comfortable enough with the boat to take on passengers.

Hmmmm…..  what a lovely pair of girls.   Oh, well, what can you do? They wanted to know if we could rent a boat and go to Zapatilla’s and Coral Cay and Hospital Point my house.   By this time it was one in the afternoon.   Three hours had been pissed away with a Spanish idiot who thought the world revolved around him.  “I don’t want to go to the beach.”  “That’s fine, you weren’t invited.”  “I want to go snorkeling.”  “Then go fucking snorkeling, what does that have to do with us?”  “I want to be with you.”  “Will you please just kindly go away?”  “Garrett from his hammock announced that he should kindly just go fuck himself somewhere.

Ahhh, who needs this?   I went off to see if I could find a starter motor.  Nope, none in Bocas, no surprise.  None Almirante, nor David, nor Panama City.  Not one in the whole damn country.   Ok, what to do?  Get one shipped in?   Send off my armature to be rebuilt?

I changed the oil in the boat.  Bought some starter rope, fashioned a handle out of a broomstick.  Bought a replacement paddle.  Stocked up on food.  The girl at the checkout counter at Super Gourmet wanted to know if I had started a restaurant.   Yeah, that’s a lot of lunch meat.  I’m on kind of a sandwich kick now.

Ok, I think I’ll go home and stay for two or three days.

Later Bocas.

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