Boat Fix

Time to drop off Nola, off on her travels to Panama City.   The phone rang three times between five and five thirty, the caller denied calling, a pocket call I guess.  On the boat, off to town, hugs and kisses all around.  Down to the Golden Grill for breakfast and massive amounts of coffee.  

Three hours later, at nine, the Yamaha dealer opened.  No steering cable yet, come back at ten.  Ten prompt, cable ready, usual 20 minutes to ring up a one item purchase.  Out the door, meet Clyde, Verne and Ditty at the boat.  Back to Clydes.

Assemble tools, tie off old cable with (what else?) parachute cord.   Pull out old cable with paracord follower.   Tie new cable, pull back, install to steering box and outboard.  Big non event.  Too cloudy to snorkel, back home.

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