House Guests

Last week a workaway volunteer from Germany was to come to my house to plant some fruit trees.  He wandered the streets, drunk at three in the morning, got mugged and robbed.  I lent him some money.  He felt that it was my obligation to run him around to clean up his mess.  I helped him out and in exchange he was disinclined to do any work.

The only Western Union office in Bocas was shut down indefinitely due to a robbery.  He “didn’t feel like” going to Almirante to go to the Western Union office to get his money and then return to pay me back.  He made partial restitution with a meek apology.

This week I have been swamped, two twenty eight year old women from Switzerland from Couch Surfers,  a twenty six year old blonde from California and I am hosting an exceptionally pleasant woman from Brooklyn who creates sets for televisions and movies.   I took her to Casa Verde last evening, it was closed as it always is on Thursday, but the usual crew was there, tearing the place up anyway.  While Nola was besieged by a swarm of rabid drunks I went for a walk with a little cutie from Argentina, jacqualyn. If the weather is nice I will will take Jacqualyn and Nola on short tour, making sure to drop by my friends’ house, the grounds always awe guests, go snorkelling and visit red frog beach.  I am sure I will get my usual, “Jim, keep bringing over groups of beautiful women.”  Now Brandy my ex roomie wants to go.  

I was awakened this morning to the roar of chainsaws on the lot next door, my boat is reluctant to go into gear and my propane refrigerator is on the fritz.

There is always something going on.

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