Loma Partida – Day 3

Jeb, in his infinite kindness offered to take the girl I escorted out here for a day of snorkeling.   Dude, the appropriate thing to do is discuss this with the guy who brought her.  I wouldn’t have objected but not doing so is pretty sleazy.

We headed out to Rana Azul (blue frog) in Tierra Oscura on the mainland, way out of town.  This is “church” for the old gringos an excuse to eat a little mediocre pizza, consume massive amounts of alcohol, and shoot the shit.

Returning to the boat checking my email the power went out throughout the boat.  The inverter, which converts the battery power to alternating current tripped a circuit breaker.  A smell of burning wires filled the salon.  Scott shut off all the circuit breakers, reset the inverter and turned them on one at a time.  Something in the galley.  All appliances were unplugged and it still tripped.  Must be a short in the outlet.  To make things worse, why would it trip the inverter without tripping the circuit breaker?   To be fixed another day.  You know even if there wasn’t a newly discovered rule that women could not live aboard the boat, this is too much for me to deal with.  Three days on the boat and three non trivial problems.

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