Well, I just got another bill for $1,800 for the stuff I have in storage in Dallas. I got a quote, without duty for $3,690 to bring this stuff down here. And that’s just to Panama City then I’d have to get it all the way accross the country twice, to the extreme west and then the extreme north. So I guess I have just pissed away $3,000 for absolutely nothing because I sure as hell as am not paying $5,000 for that stuff.
By the way I got out of the hospital yesterday. The skin is clearing up remarkably. I can flex my left foot a little bit. I can now walk up and down stairs and ramps without falling down if I concentrate. It’s nice to go outside for a walk. The pace is sufficiently slow that I would be hard pressed to call it exercise. Jaime, my driver, drove me to a bunch of places today and I priced out some of the materials for the resort. This is going to be more expensive than I anticipated.