Boat Tour – Dolphins and Beaches

You want to see some dolphins? That can be arranged. I woke the kids up at 7:30 whipped up a quick breakfast and we headed to Isla Carenero to fuel up at the gas dock. Six miles later we were in a bay in Isla Cristobol with about 30 tour boats. Dolphins, pairs of dolphins, threesomes, pods. Mother and calf. Dolphins everywhere. The kids had their little pocket cameras; ff you want to catch pictures of dolphins breaching you need a camera that takes at least three shots a second. By the time you see one start, react and the camera reacts, the dolphin is back in the water.
Ok, a few hours of that is enough. Next stop, Playa Estrella (Starfish Beach) on the north end of Isla Colon. Every time I’ve gone there before I was heading out from Bocas town. Just follow the shore until you get there. Now from 10 miles away I had to guess where it was. The point is so close to the mainland that from any angle except from the mainland it looks contiguous. I was spot on, never corrected my course other than to avoid shallow water. The kids went swimming for the first time since they got here. I ran into a bunch of friends, some who had come by car, some by collectivo (shared van ride) and some by boat.

Next stop? Boca del Drago. Not much there, but it’s a stopping point and only a five minute ride. We got out, looked around and went back to the boat.

Bird Island? I headed south on the eastern side of Isla Colon in the open Caribbean. The seas were relatively calm but the four foot swells disconcerted Danielle so I headed back. The previous owner of my boat flipped it once on the way to my intended destination. The engine was replaced before I bought it.

Back to town, burgers at Casa Verde.

The kids wanted to find accommodations for New Year’s Eve in town. This is a hopeless cause. We walked every street inquiring at every hotel, hostel and pension. Nobody had a room nor knew of anybody who did. We had already experienced four or five hours of intense tropical sun now we were walking the streets of Bocas. The sun is no more intense but with buildings blocking the breeze and asphalt streets its a whole heck of a lot hotter. We were all beginning to melt down. Finally I asked somebody to call Ola’s and check. Yes, they had one room left. Mark set off at a fast jog while Danielle and I trudged. He found that the room rate was $85 and didn’t want to pay that much. A local came out and started to talk to them about finding a room for them. I turned around and looked at him, “Oh it’s you, you’re like a father to me, Senior Jim.” I have no idea who this guy is. He suggested some hotel off the top of his head had a room. Ok, call it. No, we have to go there. This is the scam, they show you to a hotel and get a commission. Last frigging time. This time we went on the boat and as expected, they had no room he was just hopeful.

We provisioned and headed home. By the way, rehydrating with Cuba Libre is not a great idea.

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