Boot Rack
Our boot solution failed as Topo, the monkey, jumped on each pole with great exertion until he knocked them down. Thanks buddy. Nail board to walk nail poles to board.
Nope can’t nail the board to the walk, it’s nispero, one must drill a pilot hole to drive a nail. We have the correct drill bits, but they are locked up and the keyholder has left town. Turning a ten minute project into a two hour project.
It rained heavily last night. The bilge pump in the Cayuca was a success. Just finished a temporary wire in. Had to run the recharger to an outlet in the kitchen, no outlets upstairs. Let’s hope someone doesn’t unplug it to put in a blender.
The fruit tree from hell.
I don’t know what kind of tree it is, but it drops ping pong ball sized pieces of fruit over an area exceeding a one hundred foot radius. The fruits are so numerous they touch, the ground is blanketed with these rotting fruits. The loudest sound at night is the sound of these fruits dropping from a height of 150 feet. Can you say “firewood?”
Fish and Chicken
The kids were fishing on the dock, being fairly productive, at least Dan was. They saw some kind of fish they didn’t know but it fled before they could don scuba gear and get out my speargun. I joined them and went for a brief swim. Amanda came down and said, “Jim, there is a badly injured hen.” “Where is it?” “Sierra is holding it up at the house.”
I walked up the long flight of stairs to see Sierra holding a large hen, its head drooping and a large wound in the middle of the upper back. Diva, my Jessica’s sister had been chasing chickens all morning. No doubt what happened here. I was asked, “Do we have any gauze?” “No, but I have a machete, it’s a chicken. Let’s put it out of its misery and eat it.” “Do you know how to do that?” “What, cut the head off a chicken? I’ll figure it out.”
I took the hen and hung it by its feet to bleed out. The monkey hopped down and started licking the blood, the cat stood by presenting, Diva came over to inspect her work and the crew stood around and took pictures. I fetched the cauldron, well, I’m sure you’ve figured out the rest.
Nope, I inspected the wound, it was maggot infested. I decided to brine the chicken, It is now chicken of the sea. I guess six small fish will have to suffice for the eight of us with some coleslaw and rice. No vegetable oil.
During dinner Topo ran out with some chiote, a green vegetable. Apparently someone had failed to lock the refrigerator.