Hanging Bridges

Up and out, breakfast, off to the hanging bridges. Didn’t see shit.  Our 2009 trip to The Hanging Bridges I have never spent so much time in the jungle and seen so little wild life. “Oh, that happens a lot when I’m around.” Hmmm.

At some point near a tunnel Karl said, remember if we go under the tunnel, back around the top and down the path we get that awesome view and those plants that fold up when we touch them and that view of the Volcano?  Now I do.  I couldn’t have found it again if my life depended on it.   Yup, Karl, you were absolutely correct.

Back to town. “No more activities today, ok?” Sure, I can do nothing. Can’t do it well, but I can do it. Dinner, then hammer time. Here Karl, you miss your girlfriend give her a call for a few minutes. Margot handed over her phone. Karl returned 43 minutes later when he had exhausted the prepaid account with no clue how long he had been talking. We walked back.

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